Version: 2019.2
Transparent Parallax Specular
Transparent Cutout Vertex-Lit

Transparent Cutout Shader Family

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard ShaderA built-in shader for rendering real-world objects such as stone, wood, glass, plastic and metal. Supports a wide range of shader types and combinations. More info
See in Glossary
which replaces these shadersA small script that contains the mathematical calculations and algorithms for calculating the Color of each pixel rendered, based on the lighting input and the Material configuration. More info
See in Glossary

The Transparent Cutout shaders are used for objects that have fully opaque and fully transparent parts (no partial transparency). Things like chain fences, trees, grass, etc.

Transparent Cutout Vertex-Lit


Assets needed:

  • One Base texture with alpha channel for Transparency Map

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Transparent Cutout Diffuse


Assets needed:

  • One Base texture with alpha channel for Transparency Map

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Transparent Cutout Specular


Assets needed:

  • One Base texture with alpha channel for combined Transparency Map/Specular Map

Note: One limitation of this shader is that the Base texture’s alpha channel doubles as a Specular Map for the Specular shaders in this family.

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Transparent Cutout Bumped


Assets needed:

  • One Base texture with alpha channel for Transparency Map
  • One Normal mapA type of Bump Map texture that allows you to add surface detail such as bumps, grooves, and scratches to a model which catch the light as if they are represented by real geometry. More info
    See in Glossary
    normal map, no alpha channel required

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Transparent Cutout Bumped Specular


Assets needed:

  • One Base texture with alpha channel for combined Transparency Map/Specular Map
  • One Normal map normal map, no alpha channel required

Note: One limitation of this shader is that the Base texture’s alpha channel doubles as a Specular Map for the Specular shaders in this family.

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Transparent Parallax Specular
Transparent Cutout Vertex-Lit