Version: 2019.2
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Receipt Verification

Here are the implementation details:

For iOS

receipt parameter

signature parameter

Pass in null since this is not used.

For Android

To validate Android monetization, please enter your Google Public API Key in your AnalyticsAbbreviation of Unity Analytics
See in Glossary
dashboard Project SettingsA broad collection of settings which allow you to configure how Physics, Audio, Networking, Graphics, Input and many other areas of your Project behave. More info
See in Glossary

The Google Public API Key is needed for implementing receipt verification for in-app purchases (IAP) on Google Play. Your Google Public Key is under Google Play Developer console > All applications > Services & APIs > Your License Key For This Application. This is optional, but if you are developing for Android and have in-app purchases, we highly recommend implementing it.

receipt parameter

  • If you leave this as null, this transaction will show up as Unverified Revenue
  • If you are writing a Native Android plugin
    • Pass in the the purchase data for the order, which is a String in JSON format that is mapped to the INAPP_PURCHASE_DATA key in the response Intent.
  • If you are using Unibill plugin
  • If you are using Prime31 plugin
    • Pass in GooglePurchase “originalJson” property

signature parameter

  • If you leave this as null, this transaction will show up as Unverified Revenue
  • If you are writing a Native Android plugin
    • Pass in the the signature, which is mapped to the INAPP_DATA_SIGNATURE key in the response Intent.
  • If you are using Unibill plugin
  • If you are using Prime31 plugin
    • Pass in GooglePurchase “signature” property.

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