Version: 2019.2
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Remote Settings page

Note: Unity Remote Config is now available as a preview packageA preview* package is in development and not yet ready for production. A package in preview might be at any stage of development, from the initial stages to near completion.
See in Glossary. Remote Config is an improved offering that allows you to change the behavior and appearance of your game without requiring a new binary. You can remotely enable or disable features, change the specifics of your game to target specific audiences, or run special events by scheduling new content releases.*

Remote Settings are variables that you can set on your AnalyticsAbbreviation of Unity Analytics
See in Glossary
Dashboard and access in your game. Manage Remote Settings on the Remote Settings page, which you can find in the Optimization section.

For information on implementing and using Remote Settings variables in your projects, see Remote SettingsRemote settings are game variables that you can set remotely on your Analytics Dashboard. More info
See in Glossary

  • 2017–08–21 Page published
  • New feature in Unity 2017.1

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